English language arts

Stone Age Boy - Diary recount in the style of Wimpy Kid
Ideal for LKS2.
After reading Stone Age Boy the children can plan and write thier own diary recount in the style of “Diary of a wimpy kid”
Files include:
Powerpoint presentation
Picture drawing planning sheet, and low ability version.
Success criteria
Teachers writing model
Short extract from Diary of a wimpy kid.

George's Marvellous Medicine - Maths (Place Value)
Linked to Roald Dahl’s George’s Marvellous Medicine this is a practical lesson mixing bottles of medicine.
The teaching focus is PLACE VALUE.
Care has been taken to link this resource to Base 10 equipment and the use of Tens Frame. Ideal for Year 2 and Lower Key Stage 2
This is a great maths lesson to use as a hook for George’s Marvellous Medicine and helps children with mental addition and understanding place value.
There isn’t a need to understand capacity, scales or measure to still have fun with this lesson. - For me it created in instant cross curricular maths wall display.
Teacher’s guide and notes
Practical lesson maths activity for mixing their own medicine
Activity work sheets
Display pack